Nevada Pre-Settlement Funding
When an accident in Nevada leaves you with injuries, you can sue the person or party responsible. But waiting for a lawsuit to settle can be brutal on your bank account. With pre-settlement funding, you can get money from your settlement now.
Unfortunately, creditors, landlords, and hospitals likely won’t understand when you’ve been injured and fallen on hard times. Even if you didn’t cause the accident that resulted in your injuries, you’ll be left with the financial consequences. Until your lawsuit settles, you’ll have to pay your bills as scheduled.
Most injury victims suffer significant physical and emotional hardship after an accident. Adding financial hardship can push them over the edge. If you’re in this boat and don’t know what to do, consider taking out a Nevada pre-settlement loan. With pre-settlement funding, you can get the money for your settlement before your case is through.
At Money First Funding, we offer Nevada pre-settlement funding to injury victims in need. As long as you have a strong chance of winning your lawsuit, we can provide your money up front. The best part is that you won’t have to pay us back if you end up losing your case. This money can help you heal before you ever receive a settlement or court verdict.
An Explanation of Pre-Settlement Funding
Pre-settlement funding is a form of loan offered to plaintiffs in civil lawsuits. The difference between pre-settlement loans and other types of loans is that you won’t have to pay back a pre-settlement loan if nothing is won or collected in your case. Non-recourse lenders offer pre-settlement funding because they understand the financial hardship many injury victims face.
The point of filing a lawsuit is to recover compensation for your injuries, lost income, pain, and suffering. But a settlement is usually a reimbursement for suffering you’ve already experienced. Who’s supposed to pay the medical bills as they flow in? When you’re out of work recovering from your injury, who’s going to pay your rent? This is when a pre-settlement loan in Nevada can help.
Get a Nevada Pre-Settlement Loan for Your Unique Case
You can receive pre-settlement funding in Nevada for many legal case types. You may have been injured by a drunk driver in a car accident. If so, you’re likely eligible for a loan. If you suffered a brain injury from medical malpractice, for example, you may also qualify for funding. Here are some other types of accidents that may qualify for pre-settlement funding:
- Slip-and-fall accidents
- Product defect accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
If you don’t know whether your case will qualify for a pre-settlement loan, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your lawyer may be able to advise you on the matter, or you can reach out to us directly for more information.
How to Apply for Pre-Settlement Funding in Nevada
If you’re ready to apply for pre-settlement funding in Nevada, you can easily do so on our website. The “Apply Now” button is at the top of the page. From there, you’ll be led to a simple form to fill out. This form asks for your contact information, case details, and your lawyer’s contact information. After reviewing your application, we’ll reach out to your lawyer.
Your lawyer should be on board with your pre-settlement loan because they’ll be involved in the arrangement. If we believe your case has a strong chance of winning in court or settling, then we’ll very likely approve your application. You can then receive funds within days of applying.
Speak with a Nevada Pre-Settlement Lender
When you’re injured and someone else is at fault, it can feel like your life is on pause. Not only are you waiting to heal from your injuries, but you’re also waiting for justice. During the time between your accident and the verdict on your case, you can sink further into debt—or you can get the help you need with a Nevada pre-settlement loan.
Not only do you deserve compensation for what you’ve been through, but you also deserve a break. With Nevada pre-settlement funding from Money First Funding, you don’t have to wait any longer to put the past behind you. You can get the money you need to catch your breath and move forward with your life.
If you’re ready to apply for Nevada pre-settlement funding, you can do so by filling out our online application. You can also call 702-623-3333 to get started or get more information.
Nevada Settlement Funding FAQ
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What is the cost of a pre-settlement loan in Nevada?
After you apply for a pre-settlement loan with us, we’ll discuss the annual fee and small one-time fee we charge. Many lenders charge large interest rates that can be complex and hard to calculate. We believe our fees are easier to manage, keeping more money in your pocket.
What are Nevada’s laws on pre-settlement funding?
We don’t charge monthly interest rates on our pre-settlement loans, but there is a cap on pre-settlement loan interest rates. Nevada caps annual interest rates at 40 percent. Lenders must also be licensed in the state as an official consumer litigation funding company, which we are. You shouldn’t trust any company that doesn’t follow the guidelines outlined here.